book chapter 2006 Kramer, Jennifer

NuxalkNorth America > Northwest Coast and California
This work consists in its entirely of bibliographical citations relevant to documents 11-13 in the NE06 Nuxalk (Bella Coola) file....

book chapter 2006 Kramer, Jennifer

NuxalkNorth America > Northwest Coast and California
In October 1995 a special ceremonial object known as the Nuxalk Echo Mask was sold by an elder of the tribe to a non-Native art dealer from Victoria. This mask, which was believed to be over 140 years old, was passed down through the generations, gai...

Privileged knowledge versus public education
book chapter 2006 Kramer, Jennifer

NuxalkNorth America > Northwest Coast and California
In this article the author analyzes ...'the dilemmas created by alternative educational methodologies, which stem from the multiple perspectives and opinions of various Nuxalk administrators, parents, elders and cultural staff as seen through the len...

Physical and figurative repatriation
book chapter 2006 Kramer, Jennifer

NuxalkNorth America > Northwest Coast and California
In this article Kramer looks ...'closely at two old Nuxalk dance masks, one an Echo mask and the other a Sun mask, in order to explore how ownership is established and sustained in relation to the Western art market and the Canadian legal system'. In...